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Pier Tholen

directeur, Brevidius Care Communities
directeur, Brevidius Care Communities
Crossmedia, interaction design, projectmanagement, business developmentBrevidius is maker van ABCTV: online personal care communities voor senioren en verstandelijk beperkten. Dus voor beeldbellen en andere vormen van videocommunicatie, clientcommunicatie, mantelzorgportaal, handige (groeps)agenda, eenzaamheidsbestrijding, langer zelfstandig, e-Health toepassingen, koppeling aan alarmering/domotica enzovoorts. Alles via een 100% gepersonaliseerde interface voor de gebruikers via ieder gewenst apparaat. zie website Brevidius.nlPersonal CV: Pier has been involved in the development of interactive communication since the eighties. First he published about it and lectured at the University of Amsterdam and Twente. Early nineties he started developing projects on CD-i and soon after that for the web. In 1993 he created the first website for PTT Post and also for a lot of museums. In 1996 he joined NOB Interactive and got involved in the first experiments with broadband internet (Snelnet) en witnessed the development of \'Uitzending gemist\', then called DelayTV. He also created the \'interaction\' masterplan for \'Beeld en Geluid\'. In 2002 he was founder of Brevidius, specialized in using video in communication on the web: video on demand, live communication, communityTV. Rabobank is one of the major clients and recently Brevidius developed ABCTV: personal care communities for seniors and mentally disabled people. Of course video plays a central role in these communities and the interface is individually adaptive. The collaboration with DEA/cinnovate enriches these communities with all kinds of alarm and domotics. Together they offer complete care systems, based on IP.

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