An online experience from 27 August to 29 October 2020

15 augustus 2020 - 29 oktober 2020
Online expercience, organised by TechMed Centre of the University of Twente and World Trade Center Twente in Hengelo

Healthcare professionals are more than ever searching for contacts within the MedTech community to gain and share knowledge and to connect with other experts. In these changing times, opportunities, challenges, new insights, and business partnerships lie ahead. This early fall (August to October), The 2020 TechMed Event offers various inspiring online knowledge and matchmaking events in which physicians, researchers, and companies from the MedTech Ecosystem come together. Together they will make a decisive step towards a new vision. Are innovative personalized technologies emerging that improve the future of healthcare?

Get inspired and meet the best of the worlds of Science Business in the MedTech Community!


While we can't meet in person this fall, you can still enjoy our awesome online program. We have developed a brand-new event calendar with over 60 sessions taking place from August to October 2020. You can follow these events within 5 areas of interest that the TechMed Centre and the World Trade Center Twente are committed to. With these themes you can personalize your online experience.

AI and Intelligent ImagingAI & Intelligent

Want to know the latest innovations in the field of AI and medical imaging, or discover where imaging itself can become more intelligent? Visit the sessions in this track, join the keynotes, discussion sessions or workshops and learn how this field will change diagnostic and therapeutic routes to individual needs.

Personalised eHealthPersonalised eHealth

Do you want to discover the state of the art of eHealth research and innovation and its impact on healthcare, business and society? In this track, we will meet experts that create novel diagnostic and monitoring technologies for patients at home. We will learn how we can benefit from monitoring data and smart analyses to make timely decisions and provide personalized care when needed. We can experience the virtual world of eHealth where care is offered by your virtual coach or within a virtual body. And we find out how we can speed up the transition of personalized eHealth as part of our society.

Health RoboticsHealth Robotics

Robotics is an advancing field with many opportunities in supportive, surgical and care applications. This track is about the opportunities and overcoming innovation challenges by linking business, government and users in surgical robotics, wearable robotics & rehabilitation and social robotics, to create people-centred solutions. 

Nano Bio TechNano Bio Tech

Discover the state-of-the-art of sensing technologies for disease and drug testing, or make a deep-dive into the world of artificial organs, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. In this field of microfluidics, molecular biology and biomaterials, Twente houses a very healthy business cluster with companies as MicronitHy2CareRiver BiomedicsEC Sens, and Lipocoat. Join this session to learn the state-of-art, join a workshop and meet the players in the field.

Innovation meets IndustryInnovation meets Industry

While we can't meet in person this fall, you can still enjoy our awesome online program. We have developed a brand-new event calendar with over 60 sessions taking place from August to October 2020. You can follow these events within 5 areas of interest that the TechMed Centre and the World Trade Center Twente are committed to. With these themes you can personalize your online experience.

Go to the website of TechMed for more info and tickets.