Pressure cooker: Healthy Living and Active Ageing

13 februari 2018 12:00 - 11:00
Science Centre Delft

Ervaring in Healthy Living & Active aging? Kom dan 13/2 naar de pressure cooker!

Doel van deze sessie is om nieuwe kansen te identificeren voor Europese projecten binnen het domein Healhy Living & Active Ageing.

Experts uit verschillende vakgebieden (onderzoekers, healthcare professionals, bedrijfsleven en overheid) zullen hun kennis combineren om tot innovatieve oplossingen te komen in dit domein. De sessie focust op relevante challenges die professionals uit het veld ervaren hebben.

Deze challenges zijn:

  • Independent living and safety
  • How can technology support independent living for elderly with with cognitive disorders
  • How to use sensoring and monitiring to ensure freedom and safety in the intramural context?
  • How to develop an interactive personal health file to improve control on treatment for complex disorder patients?
  • What technical innovations do we need to screen every person above 50 for atrial fibrillation for 1 euro?
  • How to integrate nanopore technology in domestic appliances to measure and control healthy environments ?
  • How could robopets support caregivers in stressfull environments? Opportunities for a new generation of robots
  • What role could blockchain play in the exchange of patient data for better medical care?
  • How to become the healthiest county? Will technology drive regional systems like domotics and self driving pubic transport? What techniques improve healthin means of pollution and noise?
  • How to use technology to stimulate patients in a rehabilitation centre with clear results and sustainalble impact on their lifestyle?